Twisp Update

As it turns out, the audio problem at Twisp appears to be a satellite system problem rather than a receive problem. We now have information that shows that Omak (and consequently, Oroville) have had the same drops in the audio.
The Toronto office of the satellite company confirmed that they are having intermittent failures with all the programs from Spokane but they don’t yet know what is the problem.
So, there’s little we can do to fix the satellite issue.
The immediate plan is to get working on an alternate delivery system. We will be testing to see if we can get an adequate over-the-air signal from Brewster to feed both Twisp and Omak. The Brewster transmitter was not in place when the Twisp and Omak units were commissioned.
We’ll have to buy some more gear to make this happen but, over the long run, the system will be more reliable if we have two ways of getting the KPBX signal to those transmitters.
In the short term, let’s hope the satellite issue gets resolved sooner rather than later.

About Jerry Olson

Chief Engineer for Spokane Public Radio stations KPBX 91.1, KSFC, 91.9, KPBZ 90.3
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